I have made it through week one of school and, hey, I think I can actually handle this. The day before I even started school I almost made what could have been a doozy of a mistake if my days weren't so flexible. For some silly reason, I thought an "R" in the class schedules stood for Friday, and boy did I have my weeks perfectly figured out. But after receiving an email from one of my teachers saying, "Classes will be starting this Thursday", I realized my error. I am SO thankful for that email as I would have missed my first class with her and then made the trek out to Harper on Friday for no reason and wondered why on earth the class wasn't in session (or worse, been sitting for who knows how long in the wrong class that WAS being held at that time - that sure sounds like something I could have totally done). Off to a great start, huh?! Heavy sigh!
On the day of my first class, the weather was warmish (for January - it was hovering right around the freezing mark) and, thankfully, I left way early so I could be sure to find a good parking spot and find my way to class on time. I got to school in 30 minutes, so that was great, and I headed to the lot I decided would be the best one to park in only to find MANY people milling around on foot in neon vests (and did I detect a bit of a smirk), there to tell us that, "Hahahaha, you silly fools, this fabulous lot is FULL, and I mean FULL - get to steppin'!" So, I was directed to the next lot over that is of course, that much further from my class. I find a spot, open my door to get out and see a swirling puddle of icky, oily slush that looked like it could have eaten me alive if I dared to step out into it (or at least would have for sure ruined by shoes). I find another spot and get all settled to start the 1/4 mile trek (and I'm not exaggerating) to my class and immediately realize that this is NOT a day for cute shoes or cute hair. It is winter humid out and windy, so any semblance of a decent hairdo I had going on would certainly be lost by the time I got into class. As I walked, I realized how nervous I was and Satan was whispering a myriad of lies into my ears - "You're too old for this, you silly fool! Who do you think you are, thinking you can go back to COLLEGE at this time in your life? Your brain has become mush with motherhood, turn around while you still have a shred of dignity left - LOSER!!!" Isn't it amazing how when we just might be onto something good in our lives, these lies seem to literally be shouting in our ears? NOT GOING TO LISTEN, EVIL ONE - BE GONE! I do have to admit that when I saw police people scooting around on Segways, the very real thought did come to mind, "Hmmm, wonder how I could become one of them instead. I always DID want to learn how to ride a Segway". OY VEY!
So, in my first class, Interior Design Studio, I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised to find that about 60% of the people in the class are middle-aged women just like me. And, when I say "just like me", I mean it. No fancy, artsy, design-type dressers (though there is one woman with tres funky glasses - note to self, get some cool glasses!), just a bunch of nice-seeming woman who were dressed nice, but not over the top. Okay, I can do that. The rest of the class was comprised of college-aged girls. No guys in that class. I found out that in this particular class, we will be drawing up room designs and layout boards. What???!!! I can't even draw beyond a stick figure, how on earth . . .??? But, after purchasing my drafting kit, I am realizing that so much is done with templates and, yes, perhaps I can really do this. The teacher showed us some sample boards from the last semester and announced about the second one, "This one isn't as good" to which I asked what made it "not as good"? and she said it didn't have enough detail. To my untrained eye, it looked really beautiful. Wow do I have my work cut out for me!
Then, on Thursday, I started my Fundamentals of Interior Design class. After my wonderful parking experience on Tuesday, I had looked at a map of the school and I did discover a different lot to park in and felt pretty cocky about it and that I would even get a spot close to the apparent path that leads to the far end of my building. Ha! Not only was there no spot close to the path, but no spot in that lot period and yet again, I had to park in an even farther lot from where I wanted to go. Oh well. Along the route to my building, there is an outside staircase of two flights of stairs down and instantly, the thought occurred to me, "Dang, I'm going to have to climb back up those steps on the way back to my distant lot". I will for sure be getting my exercise out of this adventure! Hopefully, this is all just part of the current weight-loss plan.
In this class, there were, by far, more college-aged kids than we older women, one of them being a young man and one of the girls, I recognized from Cary Grove. Interesting. I suddenly felt so much less self-assured than in my other class and after the teacher said we would be giving an oral presentation at the end of the semester, I just about broke out in hives. Did I mention that I never completed an Associates Degree because I didn't take a speech class as I was MORTIFIED to stand up and give a speech. Hope that fear has waned greatly! The teacher asked us all to make hand-written nameplates on paper and mine was so wretched that I was already uber-exasperated. I really do have quite a creative side, I just need to figure out how to blend it into this world of design.
So, week one is over. I already have plenty of homework and reading to do, but I'm loving it all and am so far, still very excited!!! In my second class, we were asked to say what our dream job is. It felt REALLY good to say, "I hope to own my own Kitchen and Bath Design Showroom and Studio when I'm done with my schooling". I hadn't actually verbalized that specific dream for this, but there it is, it's out there and I sure hope it's part of God's plan for me/us!
Thanks for sticking with me and reading this REALLY long post. I promise from here on out, they won't be anywhere near this long.
Irish Pub Cream Cheese
1 day ago