How on earth is it already November???!!! Well, it is. Halloween is over, so it's time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. With how fast it has flown to get to this point, I thought it wouldn't be too soon to share these Christmas tips with you so you could plan ahead to take part in some of these ideas. I hope you do and would love to hear which ones you are excited to try or ones you do try and how they touched your heart and the hearts of your friends and family.
I'm going to break these tips down into three sections (just click on the titles under the pictures): One with tips for your family, one with tips for yourself and the other about simple gestures you can do to brighten the lives of others.
Throughout the season, most of all, let's remember the reason for the season and do everything we can to be an example of Christ's character to everyone around us.
God bless and Merry Christmas!