It's that time of year again, time for the Emmy's!!! I love awards shows (though, I have to admit, I usually get bored about 30 minutes into them and start multi-tasking during the show), and I think these days, the Emmy's are my favorite! When I was younger, it used to be the Grammy's, but let's face it, a middle-aged woman has pretty much no clue who a lot of the recording artists are these days, so Emmys it is.
So, will you be watching and if so, who are your favorites that you are hoping to win? Mine? I absolutely loved watching Glee and Modern Family this past year.
What an uplifting show Glee is!!! I pretty much love all of the characters (Sue Sylvester is the best - such delicious nastiness!) and love singing along to a lot of the numbers. And, then there's Modern Family. Oh, what to say about Modern Family in a quick blog post??? That show is an absolute SCREAM!!! Love the fact that there is no laugh track and I always get a kick out of The Office-style of shooting a show where the characters look at the camera as if they are attempting to connect with us. And, can I just say, I am TOTALLY Claire! The episode where she couldn't figure out the remote??? - me all the way! And, when she woke up early to get in line to buy her hubby an IPad, only to fall asleep on the couch while getting ready to leave??? - me! And, then while waiting in line to buy the IPad, only to find out the credit card is instead at home with her wallet??? - me! And, that is what is so endearing about this show. If you, yourself can't identify with a character, you can for sure connect someone you know to at least one of the characters and wonder, "How on earth did the writers nail so and so???!!!". If you haven't seen this show (be sure to click on the show names above to watch a promo of the show), you have to give it a gander this fall (yes, I just said "gander"). You have to pay close attention to not miss a thing and just to be safe, Tivo, DVR, etc. (whatever your mode of recording is) the show to do what we do - we end up watching it again and again during the week - to catch every last little hysterical comment/face that was made.
So, get your popcorn ready, put your feet up and enjoy The Emmy's. And, for the first time in a long time, my award show-watching buddy will not be with me (and you know who you are - the fact that you might be too busy having fun to even watch the show makes it totally forgiveable). Another little way that life is changing in the Franz household.
Irish Pub Salad
9 hours ago